In a world with a 4 year old, a 3 year old, a 16 month old, a 3 month old and two soldiers you never know what misadventures await. Life is always springing the unexpected and I want to share them with you. Welcome to my world.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Where Has My Energy Gone?

I apologize for my lack of posting lately and I have a sinking feeling it will be sporadic over the next while. Every day I ask myself, "Where has my energy gone?" And honestly I have no clue. I've done the pregnancy thing three times before this one and I don't remember ever being so tired. I get up in the morning start an IV bag, since I'm doing home IV therapy, get my kids up, change diapers and feed them, before I let them loose. I lounge on the bed while they play, I have no energy to chase my amazing kids around these days. I can't decide whether that makes me an awesome mom (in there eyes) or a horrible mom (in everyone else's). I still get up and talk to them, and help them with whatever they need; some days I'm up more and other days, I try to  confine myself to my bed. I'm just so darn tired. And I hate it.

I feel lousy and I feel even more so knowing my kids are suffering for it. I'm hoping this fatigue and all day sickness end soon. The Dr says hopefully within the next few weeks as I reach the end of first trimester I should start feeling better as far as morning sickness goes, who knows about the fatigue. I won't mind being done with my IV stuff, its a nuisance. I get on my computer so little and when I do I have so little energy to post anything. I hope to get on here a little more often, but it all depends on my energy levels. Bear with me, as I move through first trimester. Tomorrow I'll start posting about my pregnancy, but tonight I'll leave it at this. I miss writing and I miss all of you!

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