As any parent knows kids often say the darnedest things. They have no concept of what's polite or even politically correct (of course we all know adults who seem to fall into this category, too). Having four kids under the age of five often lends itself to some very strange and hilarious conversations. I'm hoping to start a weekly segment on here where I post the weeks most hilarious conversations or one-liners from my incredible children.
We moved into our new house a few months ago and due to my health being so poor, we haven't really gotten as settled in as we'd like and are still unpacking boxes, trying to find a home for everything. So, on Friday this last week I had to go in for surgery (the 4th time this year) and so my folks took my three older kids for the weekend, to give me more rest and allow my husband to focus more on me & our baby. This gave him enough time that he was able to clean and organize a little bit more. Our house is starting to look and feel more like home, but it still has a long way to go. On Sunday I was doing something in the kitchen (one of two in our new place) when Aislynn came running in and the first thing she said was, "How come you cleaned My House?" Apparently we're not allowed to clean the house and put stuff away. I had to laugh when I told her "Cause we wanted too." Then she ran out to tell my parents we'd cleaned the house.
Oh what would I do without my crazy kids? I'm not sure, but I never want to find out!
Maps, Minecraft, & Minnie, Oh My!
1 day ago
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